The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Patanjali compiled the Yoga Sutras, an ancient text on yoga theory & practice.
Sage Patanjali is credited with the compilation & formulation of Ashtanga Yoga- yoga of eight limbs.
He is estimated to have lived between 2nd and 4th century CE.
Patanjali yoga sutras is one of the most important texts in Indian tradition & the foundation of classical Yoga. Sutra means, thread. Each Sutra is interconnected like beads on a thread & each of equal importance. Patanjali yoga sutras is made up of 196 sutras in four chapters.
The 8-limbs of yoga is written about in the 2nd chapter of the Yoga Sutras. Note that Asana is the 3rd limb.
The 8-fold path offers guidelines for a meaningful & purposeful life. These 8 steps serve as a guidance for moral conduct & self-discipline. The goal of yoga is to transform & transcend the mind. Yoga means yolk or to join. To unite our body, mind & soul with our pure consciousness/divine within. To be free from the identity of our mind, which is limited & to experience freedom/bliss.
Recommended Reads
A life changer! An inward journey through the layers of the body.
Easy to read & to connect to everyday life.
The bible for the most earnest student. Yoga sequences in the back.
BKS IYENGAR translation on Patanjali Yoga Sutras
1.2 yogah cittavrtti nirodhah
Yoga is the cessation of movements in the consciousness.
The 8 Limbs of Yoga
Yama- non-harming, truthfulness, non-stealing, abstinence, non-hoarding
Niyama- cleanliness, contentment, zeal for yoga, self-study, surrender
Asana- steadiness and ease in a posture
Pranayama- control of the breath
Pratyahara- withdrawal of the senses
Dharana- focus
Dhyana- Meditation
Samadhi- Pure bliss and freedom
There are so many informative, inspiring books but here are a few of my favourites
Most of there books can be bought at
Good for more information on alignment in postures.
Fantastic pictures, lists of benefits, sequences, philosophy.