blocks, belts, blankets, bolsters, walls, chairs
Supported Virabhadrasana 3 for those recovering from a hip replacement.
Why use props?
“Sthira Sukham Asanam”
Asana is perfect firmness of the body, steadiness of intelligence & benevolence of spirit.
Sutra 11.46
The presentation of the asana should be undisturbed at all levels of body, mind & soul.
In yoga asana and pranayama , we are aiming to find stability & ease whilst in a posture. Using props help us with alignment, stability, precision & enables us to stay in the posture for longer.
Props help you learn & achieve basic actions in an asana.
Bring sensitivity for the body & mind to experience the asana.
leaves imprints on the body to deepen your understanding of actions
Gives time for self-reflection whilst holding a posture.
Makes the practise accessible to people of all ages & health conditions.
Enables those who are fatigue/weak, recovering from illness to practice.
Helps you perform an asana with ease, giving you space to experience the posture without the mind struggling.
Enables you to stay longer in the posture, with less effort, allowing the full benefit to be absorbed.
Using props directs awareness to certain actions that are required to attain an asana.
Props give you a sense of direction to enable you to feel the posture.
Helps us study & investigate the asana to a deeper level.